About Ron

Ron and his wife, Barbara and family below. Stephen is the tall one with Bryan next to his mom.

What Christ did for me 

I Peter 1:18-19 ESV

knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

I've been singing since I was 18, starting with my two sisters in a trio and over the years singing solos, starting a men's southern gospel quartet, duets with my wife, Barb, leading men's choirs, leading a worship band and singing in choirs. God deserves the credit for any ability I have and I hope those who hear the music I have on this site, if they are touched, will give the Lord the praise. I became an ordained minister and pastored for eight years along life's journey. I'd like to give credit to Bryan, my Down Syndrome son, for giving me the title to "You're Never Too Old To Love Jesus". He came up with the title as a result of a discussion we were having at supper one night, probably about him visiting the seniors at a rehab and nursing center with me, where the Lord used me to lead several of them to Christ. When I wrote "You're Never Too Old To Love Jesus", I used the name of the first person who I prayed with to receive Christ, Ray, in the song. Bryan wrote many of the words to the song, "We Open Our Hearts", which I tweaked and wrote the music to. Also, my grandmother Annie May Garrett should get credit for the title to "Won't You Walk Along With Jesus" and some of the words in that song. I have wonderful memories of her.